A food safety program is a documented system that identifies the food safety hazards in the handling of food in a food business and details the way the hazards will be controlled in that business.
A food safety program must:
Templates are available to assist food businesses develop a food safety program. The templates are a practical step-by-step guide to help you develop a food safety program that is tailored to your food business. Food safety programs do not need to be developed by food safety auditors or external contractors. The following templates will provide you with information and resources to create your own food safety program.
Choose the template that is relevant for your food business.
Note: You don't have to use these templates to create a food safety program. You can use other templates to help you write a food safety program, provided it meets the criteria outlined above as is specific to your individual business.
Once completed, the food safety program will need to be assessed to ensure all risks and hazards associated with the operation of the food business, have been identified and assigned specific monitoring and control measures.
The local council where your business is located is responsible for accrediting your food safety program. Contact your local council to arrange accreditation for your food safety program.
Accreditation of a food safety program is a one-off process. Re-accreditation will only be required if the food safety program is amended to include a major process change.
Contact your local council if would like more information about:
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