Electric service requirements

Are you installing electrical service? We can help you get plugged in. Before you start the process, please review the links below for guidance and instructions on electric service requirements.

The new 2022 Electric Service Requirements Manual superseded all previous editions. The requirements in this new edition will be enforced for any installation made after February 1, 2022.

Additional specifications and resources

Electric service requirements supporting documents

Equipment specifications

ESR White Papers

Customer-owned equipment rooms

Rocky Mountain Power outlines customer responsibilities and design requirements for vault and alcove installations housing Rocky Mountain Power (company)-owned electrical equipment (transformers, switchgears, etc.). Before designing a customer-owned equipment room, please review the following policy:

Underground conduit system installation

Rocky Mountain Power requires developers to install primary and secondary conduit systems per the following Underground Conduit System Installation Guide. Before beginning an underground installation, please read this installation guide.

Please do not install an underground primary or secondary conduit system without first receiving a job sketch from the Power Company.

Related documents:

Questions and comments about the Underground Conduit System Installation book or related links can be submitted to esrfeedback@pacificorp.com

Padvault information for suppliers

Vault suppliers, please review our detailed vault requirements for underground distribution systems.

If you are a vault manufacturer, and your company wishes to become a PacifiCorp-approved vault supplier, see the detailed vault requirements defined in PacifiCorp’s Underground Material Specifications posted below, and send an email to esrfeedback@pacificorp.com with:

Procedure 251 - Padvault Manufacturer Approval Process

GV 001 Equipment Bases and Enclosures – General Information

ZG 301 General Equipment Base and Enclosure Requirements

ZG 501 Padvault – Single-Phase Residential, 4'x4' (48"x48")

ZG 521 Padvault – Three-Phase Transformer

ZG532 Flat pad – Three-Phase Transformer

ZG 551 Padvault – Three-Phase Fusing Cabinet

ZG 562 Padvault – 7’ x 12’ (94” x 155”), for 600-Amp, Deadfront Switchgear

ZG 616 Padvault – 4' x 6' (48" x 72")

ZG 621 Padvault – 5'x7' (56”x 84”), for Three-Phase, Sectionalizing Cabinets and Metering

ZG 622 Padvault – 7-Foot by 9-Foot (84"x108"), for Three-Phase, 15kV Padmounted Switchgear

ZG 631 Manhole – 7-Foot by 7-Foot (84”x 84”)

ZG 641 Vault – Shallow, 7-Foot by 7-Foot (84” x 84”)

ZG 701 Manhole – 7-Foot by 12-Foot (94" x 155")

ZG 711 Vault – Shallow, 7' x 12' (94" x 155")

ZG 715 Sleeve – 15, 25 and 35 kV, 600-Amp, Deadfront Switchgear, Padvault

When creating a vault, approved suppliers shall also follow local waste control and compaction regulations for the installation location.

Padvault information for contractors

Below are current qualified vault suppliers and their contact information: