How to make a broadcasting complaint

If you have seen or heard something on TV or radio that you object to, or you have another type of issue about your broadcasting service, you can make a complaint.

The CRTC is not a board of censors, and can't tell broadcasters what they can air. However, certain standards apply to the content of programs, and broadcasters are expected to comply with these standards.

Who to contact for broadcasting complaints

Different organizations handle different types of complaints. Check this list to file your complaint with the right organization.

First stop for any complaint: your broadcaster

You should contact the broadcaster or your service provider first with any complaint. Many complaints are resolved at this stage.

Do you have a TV service complaint that you have not been able to fix with your provider?

You can contact the Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television Services (CCTS). The CCTS is an independent organization dedicated to working with consumers and service providers to resolve complaints about TV, telephone and internet services. The CCTS website features additional resources on how you can submit a complaint.

Each year the CCTS reports publicly on all consumer complaints it receives. Read their annual and mid-year reports.

Contact the CCTS

Do you have a complaint about TV or radio broadcasting content that you have not been able to fix?

The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council (CBSC) is the complaints resolution body for private radio and TV stations and specialty services. Check if the broadcaster is an Associate of the CBSC. For a complaint that involves an associate of the CBSC: