The Jamaican Legal System and Guide to Legal Research

Jeanne Slowe , MSLIS (Pratt), LL.B (Lond), B.A. (UWI) presently works as a Law Librarian at the Faculty of Law Library, Mona Campus, Kingston, Jamaica. She has worked at the Norman Manley Law School Library, Mona Campus, Kingston, Jamaica. Her areas of interest include information literacy, legal research methods and law librarianship.

Claudette Solomon is a law librarian who has a law degree and graduate training in librarianship with particular emphasis on law librarianship. She went to live in the United Kingdom in 1979 and came home in 2010 to Jamaica where she now resides. She has worked as a law librarian with law firms in Jamaica and the United Kingdom. She has also independently taught students, practitioners and academics how to use law libraries and how to do effective legal research using print and ICT media here and in the United Kingdom. She has worked in public, academic and special libraries (legal and accounting ones) in Jamaica and the United Kingdom. She is currently employed as a consultant law librarian in the Mona Faculty of Law Library, University of the West Indies, Mona. Claudette is a Member of the Caribbean Association of Law Librarians: CARALL, of The Jamaican Association of Law Librarians: LINAJ an offshoot of CARALL, of The Jamaica Library Association: LIAJA, and of the British and Irish Association of Law Librarians: BIALL.

Published November/December 2012

Table of Contents