JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Entry - Version XE and later
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne CRM Sales Order Entry - Version XE and later
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management - Version XE and later
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Processing - Version XE and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Inventory availability is determined by the type of commitments against inventory items. For example, a quantity 100 of Item ABC may be in a warehouse, 75 of Item ABC are promised to a particular customer. Therefore, only 25 of Item ABC are available to commit to another customer or other customers.
The EnterpriseOne sales module allows tracking of several types of inventory commitments including:
A soft commitment tracks inventory commitments prior to knowing the physical location of the inventory item. Inventory may be soft committed on a sales order during order entry. A hard commitment identifies the physical location of the inventory item. Inventory may be hard committed during sales order entry, if the physical location is indicated, or when Print Pick Slips (R42520) processes the order.
If a customer orders an item but requests the item is sent at a later date the commitment may not be realized until the future date. The Specific Commitment (Days) value in the Branch/Plant Constants is used to determine when to commit inventory to an order in sales order processing. This value in days is added to current date and compared with the Promised Ship Date (PPDJ) for the order line. If the promised ship date is greater than the calculated date, then the order line will be future committed in the Item Location record (F41021). A value of 999 in the Specific Commitment (Days) field eliminates future commits.
Quote orders and blanket orders are prerequisites to actual sales orders. Quote and blanket orders typically do not affect availability. The Other Quantity 1 and Other Quantity 2 fields are provided to track these types of order quantities. Other Quantity 1 and Other Quantity 2 can be included in the availability calculation based on the Item Availability Definition in the Branch/Plant Constants.